Heart-breakers can all too easily turn into Spirit-breakers.
Those circumstances that break our hearts contain messages about our worth, our value, and our identity that can also break our spirits. Many have bought into the messages that came through the heartbreak and have had their lives poisoned as a result of believing those messages that also broke their spirits.
During the American Civil War, many soldiers died, not from their wounds, but from the infections that entered through the wounds, poisoned their blood and ultimately took their lives. The same happens when we suffer hurtful messages at the hands of others. Those messages, left unchecked, can slowly poison our souls and cause us to believe terrible things about ourselves. Something that can ultimately cripple potential, relationships, self-image, and in far too many instances even cause people to take their own lives, as they believe there is no hope for them.
The purpose of Who Says So? is two-fold. First, to expose those awful messages that have entered our hearts for what they are- lies. They are lies that speak ever so convincingly that there is something wrong with us, that we are unlovable, broken, fatally flawed and unredeemable. Secondly, the purpose of Who Says So? is to replace those lies with truth. The truth that each of us is magnificently created to rule as a king or queen of this earth. We are loved, we are purpose-filled, we are destined to great things, we are above and not beneath, we are the head and not the tail. Marvelous and fearful undertakings have been wrought in ages past in the council of God and tremendous acts of love and sacrifice have been accomplished to reveal the value we’ve always had, but never dared believe.
Who Says So? was never intended to be a book. It was written for a dear friend who had suffered horrible things. As it was later sent to others who were also suffering from the lying messages they had believed, it began to become clear that this theme is universal. Everyone is deciding on which signals to believe on a daily basis. The whole of life is determined by which messages are accepted.
Many years later, in 2019, it became clear that the book needed to be published to help the many more whom the author may never meet face to face.
Who Says So? reveals the beauty with which each person was created, the war that has been set against them from ages past, and the seemingly ordinary channels of our life experiences through which this war is fought. It then offers the glorious hope of restoration for all who have suffered in this battle and provides the message which is the ultimate antidote for all the hardships endured, and the messages that have come to us as a result.
Order your copy of Jeff Byrd's latest book on Amazon today!
Editorial Reviews
Review "If You're searching for your true identity and purpose in life, look no further. Drop everything. Then read this book--Who Says So? ... You will want to buy several copies--one for yourself and some to give to those you love." --Gloria J. Burgess, Author Flawless Leadership and Pass It On! "This is a God-given message for the world! Your insights about abuse and self-worth alone will be revolutionary for people trying to heal from their past." --Ashley Welch Trilogy Christian Publishing, Inc. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of TBN "This book is a very helpful resource to living out the Christian Life. Understanding our identity that we have in Christ is essential for finding victory. Jesus said that he came to give life and life abundantly, Jeff (Mr. Byrd) highlights the work of Jesus on our behalf and the new life that is offered despite the hardships and challenges we face on this side of heaven. He delicately addresses personal brokenness, while highlighting the hope and healing that is offered to us in Jesus. This book provides a pathway to hope, freedom and victory. It helps to address real pain and brokenness and leads people past a victim-hood mentality to a mindset of victory. For anyone who has experienced deep hurt and pain, or struggles to believe who God says that you are, this book will help you find a better way to live." --Pastor Kevin Tremper CrossRoads Church Kevin@CRCNorfolk.com It is hard for me to write a short quote, or endorsement, of this book. The best way I do it is just say "Read-it", you will not have wasted your time, but you will have enriched your life and as a consequence you will be able to enrich others. I would recommend this book to anyone, of any age, to refresh your life. There are messages in it which everyone needs to hear, or to be reminded of. This is not a book of pure optimism but based on pure reality--the reality of purpose, the reality of life, and the reality of God! I believe that everyone will identify with something, and likely more than one-thing, within these pages. This is a liberating book and it will help you to find freedom. This book should be read at least once a year as a reminder of who we are and what we can do! --Italo Gill Pastor If you are looking for the answer to tell you what God is trying to tell us in the Bible, "Who Says So?" is for you! Too many theologians have used too many words in way too many books--trying to explain God's purpose--Jeff does it so well here with a lot less words. Jeff's insight into God's plan for us, and our part in that plan, is simple and inspiring--it should give us all hope. --Reverend Shaun Smith JRD Construction Consultant Pastor, Ft Grove, Independence, and Mt Pleasant UMC's A truly wonderful book: intelligent, essential, and deeply insightful. After I read it, I have been recommending to everyone because it is incredibly relevant to how so many of us are probably feeling. --Christie Fleck Privette Founder & CEO of Two 17 Marketing About the Author Jeff Byrd is a leadership trainer, speaker, and coach with the John Maxwell Team. He is the owner of Jeffrey Byrd Coaching and works with Senior Living Communities, Financial Institutions, Property Management Corporations, Church Groups, Medical and Home Health companies, and Disability Advocacy Groups. He joined the John Maxwell Team in 2014 and gained certification out of life-long desire to build others and add value to them. His greatest passion is to connect with individuals and teams in a way that enables them to communicate more effectively, commit to and achieve shared vision more clearly, and identify and build their individual and shared strengths to reach their maximum potential and greatest success and effectiveness together. Jeff is a podcaster with a weekly program called Empowered Living with Jeff Byrd, which airs on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Google Play, Youtube, Spreaker, and other stations. Jeff's passion for building others comes from a faith in the high-value God places on each of us, often undermined in our lives, and a confidence that God has placed within each of us seeds of greatness and gifts meant to be developed to bring lasting value to ourselves and others and make this world a better place for us all. Jeff currently sits on the board of the Endependence Center, is the past president of the Virginia Beach Task Force on Aging, a former board member of Ramps Across America, and a former Young Life team leader. Jeff is also the founder of the Byrd Young Leaders School in Punjab, Pakistan, which began in 2014. Jeff is a life-long resident of Norfolk, VA, where he currently resides with his wife Angela, who is an artist. They share a love for birding, photography (Jeff is also a professional photographer), gardening, hiking, travel, and the symphony. Jeff's work pertains to leadership development, personal growth and development, and communication, vision setting, and team building. A few of his curriculum are: - The Power of Stories in Lives of Purpose - Developing the Leader within You 2.0 - How Leaders Create a Motivational Work Environment - Staying Positive in a Challenging World - Developing Servant-leaders within any organization - Becoming a Person of Influence - 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth - Everyone Communicates, Few Connect - Indispensable Qualities of Great Leaders Custom presentations and workshops are available based on individual needs. Jeff can be reached at: 757-647-6167 Jeff@jeffbyrdcoaching.com www.jeffbyrdcoaching.com Life is a creative adventure! Since being born in the mountains Asheville, North Carolina, Angie has chosen to spend most of her time immersed in nature, kayaking rivers, hiking in National Parks, riding horses in rural Virginia, and drinking in the revitalizing sunshine on Virginia's sandy beaches. Her passion for travel and learning about different cultures also fuel her boundless creativity with a mix of eclectic pursuits from custom jewelry, animal portraits, to large scale art pieces. She communicates the love of God, light, colors, texture, and energy through a myriad of mediums. She teaches others to get lost in the process of creating, which improves overall health and wellness in countless ways. --This text refers to the paperback edition.