Your day, and your team's day, will be controlled by whichever is weighted most heavily, your vision or your challenges. If your vision outweighs your challenges, you will be forward thinking, hopeful, optimistic and able to cast your vision to others, causing them to see a bigger picture than the immediate challenge also. and to become a team of visionary thinkers. However, if your challenges outweigh your vision, you will become problem- focused, short-sighted and unable to inspire and lead others. The key to being a visionary leader depends on your thinking. Is it forward focused, resilient, focused on the value that can be added to others, filled with thoughts of how the current challenge can grow into valuable life lessons that build up others? Not to worry, all of us have our tough days. If that's the case with you, just remember that "better is possible". As Winston Churchill once said, "This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it may be the end of the beginning". No matter how challenging the day you may be in is, tomorrow will dawn anew. Pessimistic thoughts can give way to optimistic thoughts. Hope can spring afresh and new ways of thinking about and looking at things can come to you. If you find that your thinking isn't what you'd like it to be, here are a few tips to get you started on a new track: 1- List some gratitudes. No matter how dark it may seem, you can find something that could be worse. Maybe your job doesn't seem to be the greatest, but at least you have a job. Maybe your house needs repair, but at least you have a house. Maybe your bank account isn't what you'd like, but at least you have a bank account. Find the good you can and list it. Your thinking will begin to change! 2- As the old poem says, "Do something for somebody quick". If you shift your gaze to the good you can do for another, your sense of empowerment will be increased, your self-esteem will rise, and you'll know you made the world a better place, even if just for the person in front of you. 3- Expand your thinking! Often, when we are having a "bad day" it is because our thinking has become too limited, our vision too narrow. We can fix that by taking some time to expand our thinking. Do this by asking yourself, "How far can I go?". Picture your greatest imagination of what you are becoming and learn to "see" that in your mind. It will replace the image of the difficulty you are experiencing at the moment. The truth is the many wonderful "opportunities are brilliantly disguised as insurmountable problems". Many people I know say if they could turn back time, they wouldn't change a thing, since their most difficult day turned out to be what ultimately taught them the greatest lessons and gave their life the most value! For further help, message Jeff@JeffByrdCoaching.com for further personal coaching or team trainings.