Dr. Gloria Burgess, author, speaker, trainer, coach and highly inspirational motivator, shares her father's story and how William Faulkner provided him with funds for college, which eventually led to a posthumous, honorary doctorate! The journey was not easy, but good ultimately triumphed. Join his story of passion, perseverance, conviction, and ultimately, reward!

https://youtu.be/h7f40l2Pp08 . Dr. Gloria's information is as follows: - email: gloria@gloriaburgess.com
- web site: www.gloriaburgess.com
- podcast: www.talknetworkradio.com/hosts/legacyliving
- Pass It On! 2022 Presentation for Library of Congress: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/XTgHth4rPTD5NzdBYTieKVjAlHYLYcH92TRrCdJTM-D-8HdgPDp5h-VsMbJydOC_.20JOsHZfOhQcO_OD | Access Passcode: CDAPBTBurge$$22 Her book, Pass It On! is available on her website!